get with your nutrition
in balance and flow
Happy healthy welcome!
You are searching for hints and clues all around the topics nutrition and health?
You need help or support concerning your personal nutritional habits or you have a specific goal you want to achieve?
You would like to know how your personal fitness and your body constitution looks like?
You are interested in alternative medicine and want to find out what the traditional chinese medicine can do for you and your body?
Together we will find your personal perfect path!
Nutrition counseling. Simple. Individual. Boundless.
My coaching is a colorful mixture of "classical" western dietetics, influenced by the ancient knowledge of the traditional chinese medicine (TCM).
Like Yin and Yang in TCM the "western" and "eastern" dietetical knowledge complete each other in a wonderful way.
Both have advantages and disadvantages, some points of view are the same, others are watching things in a totally different way.
During all my experiences I understood, that it's simply not enough to watch food, nutrition and health just from one angle.
Nutrition is not just an amount of calories and nutrients, each human being has a personal connection and connotation with nutrition and foods in particular.
In everyday life, competitions and personality noone's like everyone else.
I include in my coaching elements and influences from both points of view,
to find the perfect way for each of my clients
and give the best advice possible.
Why boundless?
Leading my life between Austria and Italy,
I offer most of my coaching sessions online (Skype).
So what's better and more comfortable than talking with me directly from your couch?
If you are interested to read about the differences between the nutrition counseling in"western" dietetics and traditional chinese medicine, I invite you to download my thesis about this topic.
(document only available in german)
New! BIA-measurement for your sportsteam!
Your team is training hard and you wanna know if it's worth all that exercises?
You are a coach and you wanna know if your strategy of training leads in the right direction?
Due to bioelectrical impedance analysis we get to know about the whole body constitutions of each team member in short time. In that way we can analyze deficits and strengths a well as status of training and nutrition of each team member, so the training can be adapted to the specific needs.
A measurement before and after a certain period of training can give detailled information about if the training was effective and adapted well to the whole team.
For detailled information about the BIA-measurement click here.
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